Windows search special characters
Windows search special characters

windows search special characters windows search special characters windows search special characters

Below are lists of frequently used ASCII and Unicode Latin-based characters. LessĪSCII and Unicode character encoding enables computers to store and exchange data with other computers and programs. Excel for Microsoft 365 Outlook for Microsoft 365 PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 Publisher for Microsoft 365 Excel 2021 Outlook 2021 PowerPoint 2021 Publisher 2021 Visio Professional 2021 Visio Standard 2021 OneNote 2021 Excel 2019 Outlook 2019 PowerPoint 2019 Publisher 2019 Visio Professional 2019 Visio Standard 2019 Excel 2016 Outlook 2016 PowerPoint 2016 Publisher 2016 Visio Professional 2016 Visio Standard 2016 OneNote 2016 Excel 2013 Outlook 2013 PowerPoint 2013 OneNote 2013 Publisher 2013 Visio 2013 Excel 2010 Outlook 2010 PowerPoint 2010 OneNote 2010 Publisher 2010 Visio 2010 Visio Standard 2010 More.

Windows search special characters